Business Degree Programs

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At Business Degree Programs, you are teaming up with business managers, professors, MBA students, data modelers, designers, business writers and other professionals to get peer-reviewed, expert information about business careers, degree programs, salaries, resume and interview preparation, and business school resources.


Explore business careers from accounting and finance to sports management and project management


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Online Degrees

Find the best online business degrees from hundreds of accredited business programs accepting students today


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Prepare for a career in business with advice that span financial aid advice and resume preparation to salary negotiation

High Paying, In-Demand Business Careers

The world is changing and there are hundreds of in-demand careers that will need plenty of employees in the next decade. Prepare yourself and find the career path that will meet you in the future.

Salary Reports

Consider these high-paying, in-demand business careers in 2025

Projected need for these business careers is between 73,000 and 229,600 new employees each year to 2030. The median yearly wage for these careers is between $62,290 and $97,970. Prepare for each of these careers with a four-year degree.

Operations Managers

Currently Employed: 2,984,920
Yearly Openings to 2030: 229,600
Percent Change: 9.4%
Median Wage: $97,970

Project Managers

Currently Employed: 743,860
Yearly Openings to 2030: 141,900
Percent Change: 5.6%
Median Wage: $94,500


Currently Employed: 1,318,550
Yearly Openings to 2030: 135,000
Yearly Openings to 2030: 6.9%
Median Wage: $77,250

Management Analysts

Currently Employed: 768,450
Yearly Openings to 2030: 99,400
Yearly Openings to 2030: 13.7%
Median Wage: $93,000

Marketing Specialists

Currently Employed: 727,540
Yearly Openings to 2030: 96,000
Percent Change: 22.1%
Median Wage: $63,920

Human Resources Specialists

Currently Employed: 740,830
Yearly Openings to 2030: 73,400
Percent Change: 10.4%
Median Wage: $62,290

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Markus Dumble

CEO Global BMT

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